The Twat

Specifically, the American Twat, otherwise known as the Egyptian Duat.

Duat was also spelled “dwat” lending a clue to it’s proper use and pronunciation.

In the first place it’s utterly amazing the word has been so well preserved. Both the word itself and the meaning have been preserved in pristine condition, albeit separately.

In Egyptian myth there is the Journey thru the Duat, it’s part of the Egyptian Book of the Dead that refers to the most perilous part of the Son’s journey thru the underworld. The problem is, nobody really understands it.

Enter the American Twat, now there’s a word most Americans recognize and understand. When I say twat, you immediately know what I’m referring to.

There are actually three parts to the journey, the Journey into the Duat, the Journey thru the Duat, and the Journey out of the Duat.

It’s pretty obvious what’s going on there, one is the penetration into the womb for the purpose of impregnation, another describing the gestation process, and finally another pertaining to the birth itself.

In other words, it is split into stages just like a human pregnancy. Oddly enough (or not) Human resurrection also happens in three stages.

I know this because I have and am going thru it. In a physical sense the “man” that I am was born over 50 years ago. In another sense, the Human I am to become is just being born.

In 1998 I gained access to what Edgar Cayce referred to as the Hall of Records. I was acting alone but supported by a team of savants with psychic abilities that are way off any publicly known charts. We were the Delta team of psychic warriors spearheading the incursion into the realm of the Gods, the budding new secular order.

What the world didn’t know, and probably still doesn’t want to, is that the entire human enterprise was in the hands of some very creepy little kids with abilities that are so far beyond scary that the story just couldn’t be told.

At the time, this was the whole purpose of both the Apollo program and the Delta ops at Area 51, to gain access to the ancient records. To open them we needed a key, and I was the key.

I went in with a single operational directive and sole intention, to “do what was right for the whole”. Not for God(s) or Men, but for that which both Gods and Men sprang from in the first place… us.

I was faced with a dilemna. On the one hand I am doing this for Humanity, all of the knowledge contained therein is the sole property of the entire human race. That’s not training, that is my core nature. So the people of this world not only deserve to know, it belongs to them by right of inheritance.

I’m sitting there in the hall of records and I’m using the knowledge to look at the knowledge. What I see is gaps to be closed, and how much time we have left to close them.

The first gap is the distance between what we currently understood and the knowledge contained in the records. The second gap I was looking at, was the clock… how much time we had left and what my chances were of closing the first gap before we ran out of time.

Both of those gaps were unbridgeable, no matter what mental simulations I ran, we would have run out of time before I could impart what I found to the rest of us. In other words, there wasn’t enough time to tell everyone what I’d found, by the time anyone understood what I was talking about, we would have run out of time to apply it.

This left me with only one other option… to apply the knowledge as it was meant to be applied, for the whole of Humanity. The only way I could possibly apply it was in my head and I wasn’t even sure how, but I believed myself capable. This is the decision I was faced with… to die trying or try dying.

What I decided to do was apply the knowledge and do my very best to explain what I was doing with it to the rest of the world. I do all of this in my head on the mental plane, physically all I’m doing is performing the rituals to support it… going thru the motions.

I was taught well so I’m always checking my math, reflecting on decisions making sure they were the right ones. Now that we have come to that critical juncture, I can see where all those projected lines are crossing and that there was no other way.

Like it or not, you’re on a Pharaoh’s boat on his Journey thru the Dwat. The Egyptians called it the Ark of Osiris, the Greeks called it Apollo’s Chariot, and we’re calling it the Enterprise (Omega) in our modern American myth.

Call it what you will, but it is my own vimana or merkaba… my astral body. What I did was make it “our” ship, or more accurately, WE made it our ship. If it were up to me alone, I would have named the ship “Ta Meri” (The Merry) for the crew she holds, but in making it our ship, there was no other choice but “Enterprise”.

Just like your physical body is a vehicle for navigating the physical plane, you also have an astral body for navigating the astral plane. When you assemble all of us together working in harmonic concert toward a single highly focused purpose, you have a Celestial class Hyperspatial Warship like the Enterprise Omega.

I’m obviously the captain of my own ship, but that has nothing to do with rank, all positions on this ship are filled solely by fitness for the position. We have filled her to the brim with the finest crew available… us. There is not a single person on the Enterprise crew who doesn’t feel in their heart that the entire ship is wholly theirs and entirely under their care.

Make no mistake, this is an extremely dangerous part of our journey, we will need our best and brightest on the bridge crew to get us home. There will be times when the fate of Humanity is resting on the shoulders of a single individual, maybe even you. I know it sounds a little scary, but trust yourself and support your crew… together we know what we’re doing.

I have spent the last 14 years in negotiations and petitioning the help of the Gods themselves to assist us thru the perils of our own birth pangs, but even they can only help to a certain extent.

From here on out it is all us, relying on Human instinct and what we know in our Heart, but we WILL prevail and that’s how, by what is in our hearts… not by the heavy lifting of Gods alone or the uninspired labors of Men. Knowing what I know, if I had to bet everything on a single horse, that horse would be us.

“Ride captain ride, upon your mystery ship

Be amazed at the friends, you have here on your trip

Ride captain ride, upon your mystery ship

On your way to a world, that others might have missed”




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