I never had money for a college education and I’m not sure it would have been a good value for me anyway. For people seeking what a college or university has to offer it’s a fine opportunity, but there were and are no public institutions of higher learning offering what I was seeking.
Tuition is required to attend a university. If you don’t have it you’re pretty much screwed unless you can find a way to come up with it. There are many various options, but most of them involve sacrificing everything else you want so you can work your balls off.
Intuition is required to attend the innerversity. If you don’t have it you’re pretty much screwed unless you can find it within you. Again, there are many various options, but all of them involve sacrificing everything else you want so you can work your balls off.
Another thing about a university is it isn’t what the name implies. To me a university ought to be universal in its teachings and none of them are. It doesn’t technically exist as a chartered and accredited school, but the world around us eminently qualifies. Why pay a bunch of money to limit my education at a college when I can get a universal education for the same price. Either way I’m paying with my own blood, sweat, and tears, but one is clearly the better investment.
The innerversity is a little different when compared to a typical college or university, but exactly mirrors the world around us as one big University. One University with many interconnected schools of thought as opposed to one school of thought with many interconnected universities. Mystery schools would be the Innerversity colleges but I didn’t attend any of them either. I had more than enough intuition to attend any mystery school I wanted, but I chose not to join any of them so I could learn from all of them.
I’ve been fortunate enough to attend both University and Innerversity as a lifetime career student. My intuition comes naturally but I’ve worked like a dog to improve every aspect of it. My tuition for the most part was the determination and grit I had to muster to get thru the school of hard knocks. I can only speak for myself, but my education needed both. My real education comes not from what I’ve learned in either school, but what I’m coming to understand by comparing notes.
Anyway, that’s where the whole Gutter Monk thing comes from. It’s kind of a tongue in cheek way of looking at my shamanic education. Since I don’t have a degree from any accredited college or mystery school, most of those who do would say I’m uneducated and unqualified for… well pretty much anything. The comedic irony of it is that it’s the very lack of that kind of restricted learning that allows me to realize I’ve been blessed with the finest education humanity has to offer.
Thank you 🙂