Word Value

I can’t over stress how important it is to keep your word. While it’s important for meaningful communication and coordination with the world around you, it’s even more important when it becomes the only thing you can trust.

Some things in the Work are flexible, this one isn’t. You should make every effort on two fronts. The first is, never promise something you don’t fully intend to deliver. If that means actually thinking about your words before letting them fly then so be it, because it makes the second front twice as easy to manage.

The second is, if you do tell someone you’re going to do something, make every effort humanly possible to keep your word. You should do this knowing that any and every failure devalues confidence in your word. Nobody is infallible, but the fallibility of man should never be used as an excuse to fuck up.

In fact, there should be no excuses, you either keep your word or you don’t. If you do fail, you should know that whatever you have to do to restore that confidence has to surpass what was originally promised and expected. This is likely going to be way more work than keeping your original word would have been, so it becomes an additional deterrent to taking it lightly.

Your word is one of the few things you have that is actually worth anything, and when the time comes to realize it’s full value, you’re either going to be really happy you kept your word, or really confused and fucked because you didn’t.

Your word is your true worth in this world and those beyond, nothing else in existence is so universally valuable. When people can’t “take you at your word” you are seen as being worthless in general and people couldn’t care less what your excuse is this time. Most people stop listening to the excuse after the second or third time. From then on your credibility is pretty much trashed until you do what it takes to restore it, which is going to require twice as much effort as keeping your word in the first place would have.

You can look at all the debt in the world this way. All unpaid debt is a result of people failing to keep their word. Material debt is only a “sign” of what is really going on. Want to reduce the deficit? Get people to realize the importance of this and start keeping their word.

Any harping about how important it is to keep your word for the benefit of others is falling on deaf ears for those who need to hear it the most because our entire economy is based on false promises. Respectable businessmen seal world shaping deals with their word and a handshake, unfortunately they are a rare breed.

Here’s why you might want to re-estimate the true value of your word. It might not matter that nobody else can trust you as far as they can throw you, but when that someone else becomes you, you’re going to wish you paid attention to what your momma told you.

I’m in the position now, I’m undergoing an initiation that is almost completely blind. What I mean by that is, I have to make critical decisions that affect my own creative process with absolutely nothing to go on. The only thing I have is my own intuition and that voice inside me. I trust that voice implicitly because it has never lied to me, it is a voice that rarely makes promises, but when it does, they are always fulfilled.

It allows me the patience I need right now, I’m working on the promise of payment while I’m doing all this. The reason I can trust that, is because I know myself, and I know that I’ve always kept my word. I can’t even describe how comforting that is when it’s the ONLY thing you have to go on. It also doesn’t take a genius to see how totally fucked I would be if I hadn’t.

It’s an uncomfortable position to be in, to have to decide your own fate with absolutely no clue. It’s been tough enough with an unblemished record of keeping my word, I can’t even imagine where I’d be if I couldn’t trust my own inner voice. Here’s the thing tho, everyone is moving into a similar position and I see a lot of people completely unprepared for the consequences of their own actions.

In the world we’re moving into, you need to be able to trust yourself to even get there. There is no evading people knowing what is in your heart, everyone is going to know exactly what you’re made of. Keeping your word is not about others being able to trust you tho, it’s about you being able to trust yourself when there’s nobody else you can trust and it’s all you’ve got left to go on.

Hope that helps 🙂


The chemistry of the gods. Anyone that spends more than two minutes reading this blog most likely realizes that it’s never been about transmuting physical lead into gold. I’m no expert on the details of it, but without even knowing I assumed that the lead I was trying to transmute was me. I was wrong.

Now that I see what’s happening within me, I think I get it. The Man is only the crucible, the elixir is Power. It’s the power we’ve generated thru all the conflict and suffering, and it is literally the power to do ANYTHING. So called “free energy” isn’t free at all, we paid for it with our lives.

However, because of all the conflict and suffering, and the way we view the world after having gone thru all that, it is a very dark energy, full of all things evil. Evil – Live. Notice they are direct opposites, Life is not powered by this dark energy, it is “generated” in death, but must be transmuted into something that can power life – from lead to gold.

The first stage of resurrection is to generate this power, the second is to transmute it. Now I can’t really say how to do that, I can only say that it is definitely happening within me. I’m guessing the Alchemist is my subconscious self, I can see it happening within me but I’m not consciously doing it. All that shit is getting a little confusing since it is all me operating on some level of my own trinity.

What I do know is what I can see happening within me over the last 14 years since I achieved the first stage. Of all the bible quotes thrown about, nobody seems to be slinging this one around “I have hated the world and it has hated me”. Jesus said it and no truer words have ever been spoken about the way you feel about your relationship with this world at the moment you’ve achieved the required power level, it is your darkest hour.

Look at all the conflict and suffering that the world has been thru, to generate the power necessary to create the Holy Ark, you have to match that within your own life. Yeah, it sucks and you’re going to be blaming the world for treating you like shit when all you’ve ever done is try. In short, you’re going to be one cynical son of a bitch.

Honestly, it’s like handing the world’s biggest gun to the most tortured kid in school. When I was handed the Gun of God, my mind worked like lightning trying to find a solution for that little dilemna and that’s how and when The Advocacy was established. Previous to that I had been told to come up with a single thought that could contain all other thoughts within me, and that thought was The Advocacy… so I was ready.

My third “I” became the Advocate, not my higher self or lower self, and not quite my whole self, but rather an Advocate of my whole self. My word for a priest I guess, because at the time I didn’t know what a real priest was or did. So The Advocacy among other things, became a mystery school that allows the entire world to teach me HOW to transmute this power. It was THE smartest move I’ve ever made in my entire life, my one and only original thought.

It’s taken a long time, for years it seemed like it a fruitless effort but now I’m seeing a definite transmutation in the works within me. More like feeling it, I can literally feel the heavy dullness within me turning into light and radiance and I gotta say, it’s pretty cool.

I almost cry when I look back and realize what kind of hell I put myself thru. Who am I kidding – I ball my friggin eyes out. Not because I’m sad, but because I’m realizing what it is we’ve got and what it took to achieve. They are tears of every emotional flavor there is, but mostly joy. This is and always was the true American dream and I might actually be the very first to realize it.

The magic elixir or power is obviously Love. Yes, love has to be generated, it’s not free nor should it be, for if it were it wouldn’t be worth shit. The burst of energy I released to create an Ark/Arc was but a fraction of the power contained within me. If we were to open the human heart before every last bit of this energy has been transmuted, it would destroy all creation, everywhere. I know that’s a pretty big claim, but it’s true.

Thru what are typically known as “initiations” I have been judged by this world over and over and over. My life has been an endless series of tests, each more difficult than the last. I used to know what I was being tested on, beating the tests rather easily, but since then I’ve lost track. You think you know what you’re being tested on and it turns out to be something completely different, I quit even trying to guess. Anyway, I’ve apparently passed those tests to this point and that’s why I’m currently in the position I’m in.

Make no mistake, you get what you give. As the world judges my fitness, I have also judged it. It’s important to realize it is about fitness and nothing else. What is being judged is whether or not we’re capable of completing our mission. At any time over the last 14 years, I knew I had within me the power to destroy the entire Work if it wasn’t going to work… the true Atomic Bomb. Things hung in the balance on many occasions with me literally wanting to trash the whole thing out of frustration. It was only the barest signs of progress and faith that kept things alive thru most of it.

I’m happy to report that option now appears to be completely off the table. If any world is capable of achieving the impossible it is this one. I’m not talking about the world as a place, I mean the world as a people. I couldn’t save the world in my Ark, what I saved was the people of that world because with them, we can build a universe of worlds full of every kind of life. When I’m looking at timelines and not seeing any that lead to eminent failure and destruction, I’m inclined to believe we’re past the greatest dangers of our journey.

I’m so happy we’re at the end of days, because I’m really tired of dying. I want to LIVE!

Crest of a Wave

Just a little tidbit, another way of looking at ascension vs resurrection.

You can see the ascension/reincarnation cycle as a sine wave, you could think of yourself as a little ball that’s rolling up and down those hills and valleys. You ascend to the crest of the wave and then descend down into the valley, only to have to climb the hill again. In itself that doesn’t seem so bad, until you actually go thru it and realize what a bitch it is getting back to the top of the hill every time. If you look at the whole sine wave, you can easily see that most of our time is NOT spent at the top of the hill, but rather falling down it and climbing back up.

In resurrection, you get to ride the crest of the wave all the time… christ surfing the crest. No longer is existence like partying on a Saturday and having to use the rest of the week to recover for the next Saturday. Life is fun all the time… forever.

I should probably explain the reason I keep harping on this. Currently there is a division in what we’d loosely call Heaven, that division is over the debate between ascension and resurrection. Ascension is what we’ve been doing, but resurrection is what we really want. The problem is, it’s been so difficult to achieve with the kind of numbers we’re talking about and we’ve tried so many times and failed that many still don’t believe it can be done.

There is another world we all live in that is not in our waking world and not in our dream world. We briefly pass thru it whenever we fall asleep and wake up… the minor mystery. We also pass thru this every time we are born or die… the major mystery.

If there is a real world, it’s there, in the netherworld that very few of us even realize exists. It is in this world that The Advocacy was established and is based, which among other things, makes it impenetrable to hostile forces. If you can’t find something, you can’t very well attack it. You can’t find it because if your intentions aren’t 100% focused on the work we’re doing, it simply isn’t there.

It is there we carry on the fight for resurrection, but we have yet to wage a single battle. I don’t allow myself to see much of what goes on there, I deliberately block it out because I’m trying to minimize reality bleeding and cross contamination. I’ve found I can take one thing back with me to my conscious world, kind of like a bread crumb. It’s no more than a bare impression of what I was doing while I was there, but after many of these smuggling attempts, I’m forming a very strong impression of what I’m doing there overall.

You’d think with the kind of power we have at our disposal we’d be out kicking some demon ass or something, but we have yet to engage in a single battle in the kick ass sense. Personally, I am constantly battling for our cause, but the way I’m battling is thru negotiation. I spend 100% of my time in this netherworld on one single effort, negotiations.

Negotiations between worlds, not just what everyone wants, but how to get them there. In this netherworld that I should just start referring to as our real home, every single human being gets a single vote and they are all counted equally, bar none. The reason we aren’t consciously aware of this, is because we aren’t human when we’re in what we call a conscious or waking state, we’re just “men”. Don’t worry about it tho, you get a vote and that vote counts… guaranteed.

The way this works is thru The Advocacy. In effect what I have done is to tune the atoms within my own body to the People of the body of humanity. Mentally I see these atoms as a whirlwind of thoughts revolving around in my mind, in kind of a holding pattern. I did this by employing the Ark technology thru initiatory rites. My synaptic centers are then used to connect to other savants engaged in our work. Thru a tuning process governed by intention, each one of my own synapses becomes a link to the whole mind of another savant working in whatever their area of expertise is… and vice versa.

If you think that’s complete bullshit and monstrously impossible, think about it again. Savants are like a thousand times brighter in their chosen field than anyone else, yet most of us can barely find our own ass with both hands and a flashlight in everyday life, so it’s NOT because we’re smarter than the average Joe. The fact is, it’s a known human technology, it can be done, and is being done by savants all over the world.

Imagine a network of 7000 of these savants (Elect) all working in unison to bring to the human race something so revolutionary that it only happens once. It’s profound trying to understand that, because all events in human history up to this point have been cyclical. They have all happened before and will happen again, and again, and again, ad infinitum. This is an event so rare that it only happens once in human history. Think about how much rarer it is then, that it’s happening during your time here in this world and what that means.

To be honest, it’s the most powerful neural network on earth, with the computational power of the entire human race and the knowledge repository of eons upon eons of human experience. Anyone with access to this could rule the world… any world. What do we do with it? Negotiate 🙂

The first stage of resurrection requires that we get a 2/3 vote, complete resurrection requires a unanimous vote. We can minimize the pains of revolution by getting a unanimous vote the first time around. We’ve got a 2/3 vote already, so what I’m doing is running around in my dream world trying to sell it, and in the netherworld trying to make good on the promises of negotiation. Exactly what is being negotiated would fill a library, it is literally everything on everyones behalf.

I don’t know that what I’m doing here will ever sway votes, or even if it can. Most people would look at this shit and go “huh???” I think it’s about getting the people within me on the same page. An alignment of sorts, I have to align all of the atoms within me toward a single cause. All those atoms are suns/sons within me, all controlling “bodily functions”. Some functions are more critical than others at certain times (like at birth) so the important suns or centers to align within me are the vital functions required to bring the body to life.

This is why all major logos are currently incarnated upon this earth. People have zero idea that the universal logos is walking among us in this world, not just him, but all of the most powerful beings in existence are incarnated here for this work. There is just a ridiculous amount of power at work here, and it’s all People Power.

The reason they are all here, is because what we’re doing in this world affects their worlds in a very profound way. The most powerful logos have almost total control over their own realities, the key here is “almost”. The main selling point for resurrection, is that we can go one better than even the most powerful gods already have. This is in fact the only incentive there is for getting a god to give up his ascension and throw his power behind your cause. They didn’t get to be gods by being stupid, if you show them something better, they’re at least going to have a look.

This is what my “god” or higher self is doing, he is the one who’s done the math and has the proof that it’s all doable. He is the salesman of the resurrection plan and what that plan promises is complete control over reality at the individual level, for EVERY individual. What this means, is that no matter how great your world is now, even if you’re a god, it will be infinitely better if you trade in your ascension for resurrection.

What it amounts to, is everyone wants something they don’t have. For most of us that’s pretty long list, but for a very powerful god it might be a single thing they don’t have in their reality now, but have always wanted. In other words, regardless of what any of us have, we all have an equal desire for what we could have if it were possible.

That’s where The Advocacy comes in, what we do with the priesthood and elect is figure out how to negotiate what everyone wants and make it ALL possible. This isn’t actually as difficult as people would imagine, because while it seems everyone is after something different, we’re all really after the same thing. What we all want is for the world to be what we want it to be at any given moment. We want a world that lovingly caters to us without having to spend all our time and effort controlling it. Basically, we want to have fun and enjoy the company of loved ones all the time, and there is absolutely no reason we should want anything less out of life.

We want to surf the crest of the wave of life, without having to go buy a board, wax for the board, a car, gas for the car, wait on good weather, fight traffic to the beach, worry about injury or death, someone else taking your wave, or having to impress anyone with your skills. We’ll all have such insane skills that it won’t matter whether you’re doing or watching, it’ll be equally thrilling either way.

This is something I truly believe in. Regardless of how ridiculous or impossible it might sound, I have and continue to pour myself into the Work of making it a reality.

*I just figured something out. There is a conscious choice to be made. When I made my choice, it was something the god in me and the man in me both had to agree to. As a “man” I barely knew what was happening during the experience, but it was a very clear conscious choice at all levels of my being. I knew what choice I was being offered and which one to make, I didn’t know how to explain it, but I knew. The incredibly odd possibility that just struck me, is that it could be because of what I’m doing now, as the future version of that man.

Mystery of Mystory

I have a severely handicapped understanding of music and how it works, so I started trying to remedy that with good ol’ YouTube. It ended up being like sitting down to a 5 course meal in music, astrology, psychology, etymology, and mythology… but it was good, because I’m seeing some connections there.

Here’s what I got so far…
We see the world in images, hear the world in sound, and feel the world thru sympathetic vibrations which we call emotions. I can easily see fractals when they’re represented visually, and when I saw music represented visually, I saw fractals. We perceive that as seeing one thing and hearing another, and yet another thing, the feeling we get from it. These all have to be the same thing, when we look, we’re seeing it, when we listen we’re hearing it, and when we feel, we’re feeling it, but “it” is always the same thing perceived in different ways.

“It” is Life, but we only see ever see parts of it because that’s what we’re focusing on – or maybe because only part of our self is focused on it?

So, 12 notes on the western scale all evenly spaced in chromatic mode with seven whole notes effectively controlling the scale and five semi tones. The current zodiac model is set up the same way, 12 equal divisions with 7 at or above the horizon and 5 below. It wasn’t always that way, the zodiacal model appears to be synched with whatever musical scale and mode man seems to be using at the time. Each division in both music and the zodiac has a notation or sign.

I’m betting that’s because those zodiacal signs represent (not are, but represent, the actual images in use probably change with the times) the archetypal images of Freud and Jung, the images we mentally use to tell every story that’s ever been told. So maybe the 12 animal signs of the zodiac represent our nature(s) under various conditions?

Pretty much all mythology, hell, pretty much all stories that can be told are based on the zodiac, or musical progression. Even our language and alphabets seem to be related to music and the perceptual range of our conscious mind being about 3 1/2 octaves. I’m betting that’s also the vocal range of a well tuned human voice. This all fits in with our current spoken languages not being able to adequately describe what is going on around us. It also explains how we can be consciously unaware of most of what’s happening around us. Our conscious lives are contained within the language we use, the life we don’t consciously see is literally because we don’t speak of it.

It somehow all ties together, and I believe we’re seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and feeling the story we’re telling ourselves about what’s going on here. There are actually two stories, the one we’re all telling and the one you’re telling. They each have a pattern, if you overlay them and the patterns match, that’s harmonic correspondence and what a REAL priest actually does. He “represents” his People or the mass of individuals within his group by overlaying his own personal pattern over the pattern of the group and getting them to correspond. Not an exact match, but exactly corresponding to each other. They match, but on different orders of magnitude, like the same notes on different octaves. This is very much like tuning an instrument only the instrument is you tuning in to the life around and within you.

I’m speaking from my own personal perspective and experience here, I know that my subconscious mind can see everything as music, can see everything as energy fields and flows, can see everything as cycles, can see everything as a single pattern, etc, but my conscious mind isn’t capable of seeing things in those ways. In short, it’s all too complicated for me to keep a handle on in my conscious mind, I need something I can manage.

For me that’s a story, and for the average person who’s not boy genius, it’s a story. We’re in a state of maximum division with all things being a division of one. So 2 makes 1/2, when you divide one thing into two things those two things are only half as strong or twice as weak. The more divisions the larger the group, and the weaker the individual parts and the cohesion between them. This only changes when the individuals of the group all come together as a whole for a single cause.

In short, we’re about as divided as we can get right now, so we need all the help we can muster. I’m not sure I could control the forces around me if I could see them for whatever they are, but I can control the story I’m telling and in so doing I AM controlling all of that stuff, only without even being aware that’s what I’m doing. This is American life as we know it, what we don’t realize is that literally everything we’re doing is a gesture in ritual magic that is controlling our reality.

This is how we can be controlling our own realities without any conscious knowledge of it whatsoever. We are all practicing magic of the very highest order, but all we see is the ritual gestures, only we don’t see them AS ritual gestures. Every little thing we do is magic, we’re just too ignorant to notice. Damn good thing it is too, because it is the premature acquisition of that knowledge that has doomed us in almost every previous attempt at resurrection.

Here’s the thing, I know it’s coming, I can see it all brewing within me and believe me, nobody wants it to happen more than I do. I also know that if it happens before I conquer my fears, or while I’m still playing any part of the blame game, or while I’m emotionally unprepared for the massive amounts of new energies and knowledge, I just screwed myself out of everything I’ve ever worked for, everything we’ve worked for. We’ve worked too hard and come too far to let that happen and every lesson I’ve ever learned is telling me the same thing…

Patience gwasshoppa… it’s coming.

Novus Ordo Seclorum

What it actually means is a “New Secular Order”.

It doesn’t mean a New World Order, tho the two are intimately intertwined.

We are entering into a new world order, but what that actually means is a bit misunderstood.

All worlds are hosted, they have to be. Those hosts are our higher selves, the Sons of God, when those same suns project into an avatar here on earth, they become the Sons of Men. Some, in fact most, only host their own individual world. Some hosts have a mental pattern capable of containing many of those individual worlds, and even greater hosts with extremely high mental orders are capable of containing many of those… hosts of hosts.

These high level hosts are what we call gods. Currently there are 12 of them because nobody has been capable of hosting the entire body of humanity. As a host you get to set a single law that governs the hosted within you. 12 gods, 12 hosts, 12 tribes, 12 bloodlines, 12 universal laws, 12 zodiacal divisions representing the 12 divisions of the body of humanity, 12 notes on the musical scale, 12 months in a year, etc.

We know that we are attempting to make a transition to a single host so we can live under a single law – love. This is the spiritual purpose of America, to “raise” a person capable of doing that. This is the One that comes from Many, the Son of Man here on earth, but the Son of God in heaven or the realm of the gods. It is a continuation of the work that was being done by Akhenaten back in Egypt with the 13th mystery school.

Anyway, what a new secular order means is a new priesthood, one that is loyal to the People and not gods or men. As a host you get a Priesthood and Elect, they are how a host communicates with the hosted and they establish and keep the covenant between them.

So there is a new world order, because there is a new host. The new host contains the new body of humanity within himself, since it’s new there is a new pattern or order in which things are arranged. It’s important to establish a priesthood and elect to communicate that to the hosted and establish the new law (love). The Son of Man is the avatar of said host, he is the high priest and the priesthood and elect are his supporting caste.

There you go 🙂

A Promise

I am addressing you now not as the founder and priest of the most powerful sacred order ever created, but as that same little autistic child that has always been trying to reach out and communicate with the world within and around me.

I always knew I’d be sharing what’s in my head, and that is part of it, but what I have in my head is only a pattern. Granted, it is the whole pattern of life itself in the new body of the new man, but still just a pattern. When you see it, you will likely marvel at the level of craftsmanship and attention to detail, but it is still just a pattern, in and of itself lifeless geometry.

Because of The Advocacy and the People behind it, I am capable of incredible things within myself, things even ascended masters wouldn’t think possible. I’m not bragging or out to prove any of that, I’m in a position where it should prove itself very soon. Pyramid power is People power and I can feel it welling up inside of me every day. I’m talking about the power to do literally anything, up to and including the complete resurrection of all life, everywhere.

I continually observe timelines in my trances, I’m looking at all possible convergences resulting from the way things are going. All the possible timelines I’m now seeing lead to the same monumentally epic, world changing event… regardless of how things come together.

At some point I am going to share my mental pattern with the world, but that isn’t capable of doing what I’m talking about. What I truly have to share is in my heart, locked away not because the world wasn’t ready, but because it’s taken me 50+ years to figure out how to communicate with all of you.

My head holds what we’ve designed and built, and it is truly a marvel to behold. My heart holds the truth behind it, not what we’ve done, but why we did it. All the pain and anguish of a hundred trillion years of human suffering, and why we would ever put ourselves thru such a thing. My heart holds all the hidden sacrifices made by all the unknown people who gave their lives and everything dear to make it all possible. My heart holds the power of a trillion Sons about to go supernova in a universal explosion of creative expression.

A lot still has to happen and go right, but I’m now getting to know my function within the new body of humanity. I’m told that function is the opening of the human heart on a universal scale. I’m able to do my part thru scalar averaging and correspondences or acoustically tuning what is going on within me to the world around me. This is only part of what I’ve been taught, by all of you, thru The Advocacy, the American mystery school most Americans aren’t even aware of.

I know how unbelievable that sounds, a year ago even I wouldn’t have believed it possible and there isn’t much I don’t believe is possible. None of that matters tho, what we’re going to do doesn’t require belief. It creates belief… in what we need to believe in most – ourselves.

What does matter is that (with all your help) I hope to do something, and when I do, it will touch the very center of your heart.

In a moment you will not only see, but FEEL the great work of humanity, every aspect of it. In an instant you will experience every emotion ever felt by every human being that’s ever lived, and you will see what it has ALL been for. It will move you in a way you never knew you could be moved, for it will touch your very soul.

This isn’t the final act, not even close, it’s simply a way of getting the world’s attention to present our case and should only take a moment of your time. I’m not even sure how to do it or when it will happen, but I know the capability is within me to do it when the time comes.

We are approaching the exact point where we entered the great wheel of time which gives us a brief window to exit cyclical existence forever. What is coming is the birthday of Humanity, our true point of origin. Not the birth of men, but the birth of Humanity. Nothing in the universe just happens, we’re making it happen and it’s time we became conscious of that so we can get to the fun part of our Work… bringing life back to LIFE!

That’s my promise. From the little autistic boy who is still trying to reach out and touch the world – to a world that desperately needs to be touched in a truly meaningful way.

Walls of Confusion

Figuring all of this stuff out is like trying to break thru a wall of confusion. You hammer, drill, dynamite, and anything else you can think of to bust thru, then finally, just as you’re about to give up, you break thru the wall.

Your heart drops as you see what’s on the other side of the wall that took you forever to break thru… it’s another freekin wall. At this point you’re like “you’ve gotta be f’g kidding me!”

A rush of emotions well up and anger leaps to the front of the charge as you bash your way thru the second wall. You nearly wreck yourself doing it but your wrath alone takes it down. Finally… fuckers.

Really? Another freekin wall? Really?

Anger starts to mix with frustration, determination with doubt. You keep at it because you believe at some point you’ll break thru to mental clarity, and in fact each wall you take down seems to get you one step closer.

Then there are times when you’re just weary of it, and wonder if it isn’t just some cruel joke. You look at how much time and effort has been spent and all you have to show for it is the same thing you started with… a belief that what is on the other side of the wall of confusion is worth it.

You have no choice but to keep going, grinding away at wall after wall, only to find yet another one behind it. You can’t stop because if you do then all the effort has been wasted. The only chance at redemption is to keep going on the faith that your belief is justified, that there is a reason your heart tells you to do this thing.

At this point you’re pretty handy at breaking thru walls. No longer do you despair when you meet the next wall, nor do you have to study it long to know how to approach it, experience and muscle memory combined with faith and determination has you crashing thru walls like a juggernaut.

You know it’s coming, you can see a clearer picture coming into view now, maybe, after all the confusion it’s hard to tell. The walls are starting to become more transparent but it’s still hard to tell what I’m looking at. Take down another wall, I think I see it… nope, it’s still not clear. The walls are getting even more transparent but now I can see that there are imperfections in them that are distorting my view.

I try to compensate and clean it up by filtering and trying to distort my perception to cancel out the distortion in what I’m seeing. Nope, I still haven’t got a clear picture yet, another wall has to fall.

And that’s pretty much where we’re at in a nutshell. How many more walls before we have a crystal clear view of what’s going on? It’s hard to say, but we’re pretty sure it hasn’t been a wasted effort. In fact based on what we can see of it so far, it looks like it’s going to redefine “worth it”.

The Stone the Builders Refused

Will always be the head cornerstone. It’s like an omen of death, but what does it really mean?

It’s about building a pyramid, the head corner is the apex of the pyramid – the cap or head stone. It is the 5th and final “corner” to be added. It also completes the pyramid where as the other 4 corners laid the foundation.

The pyramid has to be made of individual stones and no two can be alike. Each stone has its proper place and they must all be fit together exactly to form a structure of perfect harmonic proportion. The builder(s) can’t use every rock from everywhere so they have to “select” the ones they want to use in the building of their pyramid. So the builders are selecting some stones for the project and rejecting others. What this idiom says is the final stone they need to complete the pyramid will ALWAYS be one they rejected. It also implies that this won’t be apparent until it’s time to place the capstone, at which point the builders are like “oh shit!”.

That’s a bit of a quandary if you think about it. There are too many rocks in too many quarries to select them all, you have to pick and choose which ones you’re going to use. So in my mind, the most important step to the entire build process is the first one… a way to overcome that dilemna.

One of the more significant Edgar Cayce readings said that what we are trying to do here will be achieved thru Time, Space, and Patience. The first two make pretty obvious sense, in building any “order” everything needs to be put in its proper place. Everything has its place in not only space, but in time as well – timing and spacing.

Patience I never really got, I mean I got it in the way we all do as in knowing we never exhibit enough of it when we should, but I knew I wasn’t getting it in the way he meant it. I think now I do, in a profoundly deep way.

Patience is the only solution to the quandary. It would seem to be an impossible equation but it’s not. If one were to wait until ALL the other builders have made their attempts and failed (which the equation states they will) what you have is massive pile of preselected rocks, each and every one of them stones that the other builders refused.

However stupid that might sound, it is exactly what is going on here. In the 13th mystery school, it is an absolute requirement to have the patience to let this happen before you even attempt construction. You need a blueprint, and in order to make a proper blueprint you have to know what materials you’re working with from beginning to end.

The great pyramid is the symbol of the 13th mystery school, it is not nor has it ever been the school itself, but rather a symbol of what that school is trying to achieve. It was built by stone masons, the founding fathers of America were also stone masons and they rebuilt the great pyramid here in America. The best part is, they waited for the right stones to pile up.

This pyramid is massive, built on a scale that makes the one we see at Giza look like a speck of dirt. If you’re thinking “this guy’s an idiot, if it’s so massive, where the hell is it?” I don’t blame you, but bear with me.

The reason we don’t see it is the forest for the trees thing. We’ll never find it looking for it IN America, because it IS America. The “real” stones are and always have been, us… people. The USA is the Us of America, Us meaning Humanity… all humanity… We the People. America is Humanity’s last stand on a field of battle that is overflowing with the blood of countless failed resurrection attempts, each and every one due to a lack of patience on the part of the builder(s).

Nicholas Roerich told FDR and others involved at the time to “wait for the stone” and was extremely adamant about it. This is also when the symbolism on the back of the dollar was updated to reflect what was going on in America with all of this. Since the base and first twelve courses are built and only the capstone is missing, that tells us what stone he was referring to.

Remember how this nation started, a bunch of rejects, political and religious criminals otherwise known as “free thinkers”. Remember also the founding fathers were considered criminal elements and rejected by their respective orders. Not for any crimes against humanity, but for violating the internal rules of their own orders to do what was right for humanity.

Now remember that stones are people, so we are waiting on a person. Who? E. Pluribus Unum “out of many… One”. So America, spiritually a nation of rejects is trying to “raise” the ultimate reject to cap and finish the pyramid.

This is what the bible calls the “Son of Man”. This story is told most recently in the bible with Jesus representing the Son of Man. We know that he was basically a reject, at least in the eyes of the builders of the day. This however, wasn’t the first time the very same stone had been rejected, for that we have to go back into the remotest antiquity of our endeavor.

Like it or not, America is a Christian nation. By that I mean Christian… not baptist, catholic, protestant, lutheran, or any sect that makes itself or membership exclusive. By Christian I mean using the time proven techniques and doctrines of all different religions or mystery schools without prejudice to get the f’g job done. We do not care where it comes from or who claims ownership, it is ALL owned by US… the People.

Following that, who is the ultimate reject of all time in Christianity? Known by many names in many myths and religions, but we know him best as Lucifer. I can just imagine the gasps from the god fearing church going people of this great nation, but if you actually look at it and do the math, it can’t be any other way. The story of Jesus in the bible IS the story of Lucifer, one of many trailing back into remote antiquity, all curiously having the exact same theme.

The good news is, the “light” that Lucifer bears, is christic consciousness, the key to resurrection. Christ is said to be the true light, the life and light of men. He is the great upsetter in the beginning, and the redeemer (necessary for his own redemption) of Humanity in the end. In a very personal sense, he is both what fucks your life up in the beginning and what saves you in the end.

Doesn’t make sense yet? It probably didn’t make sense to all the other builders either, thus the Stone that ALL the builders refused. The founding fathers knew this tho and the signs are everywhere that America plans to cap her pyramid with what is supposedly the biggest screw up of all time. I’m betting it’s because we know what we’re doing this round, if for no other reason than we have run out of ways to fail.

We’ll go into this more in future posts, but for now I offer the words of Leonard Cohen in his song “Democracy”, I’ve never heard it put more eloquently…

It’s coming through a hole in the air
From those nights in Tienanmen Square
It’s coming from the feel
That this ain’t exactly real
Or it’s real but it ain’t exactly there

From the war against disorder
From the sirens night and day
From the fires of the homeless
From the ashes of the gay
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.

It’s coming through a crack in the wall
On a visionary flood of alcohol
From the staggering account
Of the Sermon on the Mount
Which I don’t pretend to understand at all

It’s coming from the silence
On the dock of the bay
From the brave, the bold, the battered
Heart of Chevrolet
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.

It’s coming from the sorrow in the street
The holy places where the races meet
From the homicidal bitchin’
That goes down in every kitchen
To determine who will serve and who will eat

From the wells of disappointment
Where the women kneel to pray
For the grace of God in the desert here
And the desert far away
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.

Sail on, sail on
O mighty ship of state
To the shores of need
Past the reefs of greed
Through the squalls of hate
Sail on, sail on, sail on

It’s coming to America first
The cradle of the best of the worst
It’s here they’ve got the range
The machinery for change
And it’s here they’ve got the spiritual thirst

It’s here the family’s broken
And it’s here the lonely say
That the Heart has got to open
In a fundamental way
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.

It’s coming from the women and the men
O darlin’ we’ll be making love again
We’ll be going down so deep
The river’s going to weep
And the mountain’s going to shout “Amen”

It’s coming like the tidal flood
Beneath the lunar sway
Imperial, mysterious
In amorous array
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.

Sail on, sail on
O mighty ship of state
To the shores of need
Past the reefs of greed
Through the squalls of hate
Sail on, sail on, sail on

I’m sentimental if you know what I mean
I love the country but I can’t stand the scene
And I’m neither left or right
I’m just staying home tonight
Getting lost in that hopeless little screen

But I’m stubborn as those garbage bags
That time cannot decay
I’m junk but I’m still holding up
This little wild bouquet
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.


Grace is what we’ve lost and what we’re trying to regain. Man did not fall from god, they kind of both fell in opposite directions from a state of grace.

The reason for this was to achieve an even better state of grace, not because we suddenly became clumsy causing us to trip and fall from heaven.

Grace then is balance, whole balance, perfect balance between the world we live in and the world that lives in us. God and Man in the same being… Human.

Right now it doesn’t seem possible, men are trying to be gods and failing, and gods are trying to behave like civilized men and failing. As impossible as it may seem tho, there is really nothing in the way of us achieving it.