What the Bible is

If one reads the bible without allowing anyone else to spoon feed them what it means, one has to admit that most of it doesn’t make any real sense.

The Holy Bible is a bibliography, a collection of books all pertaining to the same subject. The subject in this case is the person reading it… you. Not the you that you identify with in your waking moments, but the “whole” (Holy = whole) you. There are a few reasons we don’t see it that way, if there weren’t it would be entirely obvious that it’s about us and what we’re doing here.

One reason is that we’re quite literally taught it means something else soon after exiting the womb. By the time we learn to tie our shoes, tell time, and read, it’s pretty much over… we’ve been sucked into the vortex of the way this world sees things. The Fall of Man then, is you falling into this world, away from your “god” which is really your ability to control what is happening in your world. Why? Because you’ve fallen into a world that contains all worlds, not just your own. It’s all our own private worlds jumbled together in a chaotically fractalized mess. There is seemingly no way out because we can’t find the door. The only way out that we know of is dying and most of us aren’t eager to open that door when we don’t know what’s on the other side.

Another reason we don’t recognize that the bible is about us in the here and now is because we only look at it from a single perspective. We actually live in 3 separate worlds, two of which we recognize and one which we identify with and are aware of. We’re all familiar with our waking world, tho from another perspective we are completely unaware of what we’re really doing here. We recognize our dream world, but pay it no heed because they are “just dreams”. Our dream world is in fact every bit as real as our waking world, we simply choose to pay it no attention while we’re awake most of the time. The other world, the “nether” (neither) world is the one we never even notice, the borderland or “in between” world that we briefly pass thru every time we wake up or fall asleep.

People that search for knowledge in earnest are well aware of the borderland because it’s where all the good shit comes from. Every invention of man has been discovered in the borderland by savants and either rejected or perfected by the world around them. Albert Einstein used to hold a steel ball poised over his bare toes in an attempt to stay in the borderland. The way it worked was when he started to doze off, his fingers would lose their grip on the ball and it would smash into his bare toes abruptly waking him up. In this way he trained himself to maintain that in-between state, he admitted afterward that it was a little harsh and screwed up his natural sleep patterns for a number of years, but he obviously got a lot out of it.

I’m pretty sure that our natural state is in this nether world in our subconscious and not going back and forth between being conscious and unconscious. When I’m in a trance I know I’m “crossing” being awake and asleep, crossing my conscious and unconscious mind within my subconscious. Christ means crossed – so a crossed state of consciousness which leads to a state where the subconscious mind becomes the super-conscious mind is what the bible refers to as christ. I’ve hit it before, but what we’re after is to stay there permanently. I believe this is why I’m spending more and more time in a trance lately, because that’s where much of the work I’m doing at this stage of the process is done.

When we consider the 3 aspects of our trinity, we’re really talking about mental geometry and the 3 main positions we put ourselves in to look at our Self. Without starting another book about it, that means the separation we experience within ourselves is really 3 distinctly separate ways of looking at ourselves. We generally only deal with the two that are constantly at war within us, the Son and the Father. The Father says “Everything is me, I am All there is”, the Son says “everything is not me, but rather the world around me which is separate, I am only the point around which All there is revolves” The Holy Spirit is just what is sounds like, the ghost and spirit of the whole you, the YOU that you split apart from in all directions and will eventually return to thru a process the bible calls Holy Resurrection.

So the bible is a collection of books (or stories if you will) about all that, but not just a random collection. What the Nicene Council did back in 325 AD was to collect all the cultural(pagan) myths about resurrection from around the world. The reason certain books were chosen and some weren’t was based mostly on proportion. They were trying to get the books in the bible to match up or “correspond” to the same proportions that the cultural beliefs they came from existed in the world at that time. This is why the religion associated with it is called Christian, it was a “crossing” of all the different ways we have of looking at ourselves and this process we’re going thru.

The way I see the bible is a collection of mental angles or ways of looking at things. The bible isn’t saying you should do this or shouldn’t do that, what it’s really doing is describing all the different positions you can put yourself in to help you see things in certain ways. This is nowhere more evidenced than in the final book, Revelations. In a simple sense John has crossed his consciousness and is using these mental angles to surround himself, viewing from all angles to see the whole. It is seeing things from all these different angles that destroys this false world of conflict and suffering and reveals the true world behind it.

I didn’t figure any of this out by sitting around reading the bible all the time. What I have figured out so far comes from trance work in the borderland and having put myself in those positions (some rather uncomfortable) to see things from different angles. When I look at something in the bible I realize that the only reason I understand it is because I’ve already been thru it or if I only partly understand, am still going thru it. If it were up to reading it and then trying to apply what I’ve understood solely from what I’ve read, I wouldn’t be able to find my ass with both hands.

Galton’s Ox

When it comes to delving into the mysteries of life you’re constantly forging ahead into the unknown. I’m seeing things all the time that I can neither define or describe because it’s all new. The models and language used to describe it are based on what I’m seeing, not the other way around. So what happens is, I’m sitting there in a trance and I’m looking at stuff, but I don’t know exactly what it is I’m looking at. In a general sense, I’m looking ahead to see what’s there, but since I’ve never seen it before I have to guess at how to interpret what I’m looking at. I get “impressions” of it, I have to interpret what those impressions mean. Anyone who tells you this is an exact science is full of doodoo. It’s an intuitive guessing game and that’s what makes it an art and a craft.

Anyway, there has to be some way to define what I’m seeing or I’d never understand it. This is where Correspondences come in… “as above – so below”. For everything I’m looking at that I can’t comprehend, there is something in my conscious or physical world that “corresponds” to it that I can understand. Drawing lines between the two to form accurate correspondences is a good portion of the “Work” I do within The Advocacy. I basically sit there in a trance “connecting the dots” crossing what is unknown with what is known. The lines drawn between the dots are the correspondences, they form “lines of communication” between my unconscious (God) and conscious mind (Man).

This is where being Average comes in to save the day once again. The accuracy of your correspondences depend on it, and when going down the rabbit hole your sanity depends on the accuracy of your correspondences. You need reasonable confidence that you’re correctly interpreting what you’re seeing, but how can you have any faith in a guessing game?

The following article demonstrates just how accurate guessing can be, and how we can play a game that risks so much on guessing, with so much confidence. I hope you understand the concept, it’s also how “representation” is established via The Advocacy’s system of Holy (whole) Correspondence.

Galton’s Ox Experiment:

One day in the fall of 1906, the British scientist Francis Galton left his home in the town of Plymouth and headed for a country fair. Galton was eighty-five years old and beginning to feel his age, but he was still brimming with the curiosity that had won him renown—and notoriety—for his work on statistics and the science of heredity. And on that particular day, what Galton was curious about was livestock.

Galton’s destination was the annual West of England Fat Stock and Poultry Exhibition, a regional fair where the local farmers and townspeople gathered to appraise the quality of each other’s cattle, sheep, chickens, horses, and pigs. Wandering through rows of stalls examining workhorses and prize hogs may seem to have been a strange way for a scientist (especially an elderly one) to spend an afternoon, but there was a certain logic to it. Galton was a man obsessed with two things: the measurement of physical and mental qualities, and breeding. And what, after all, is a livestock show but a big showcase for the effects of good and bad breeding?

Breeding mattered to Galton because he believed that only a very few people had the characteristics necessary to keep societies healthy. He had devoted much of his career to measuring those characteristics, in fact, in order to prove that the vast majority of people did not have them. At the International Exhibition of 1884 in London, for instance, he set up an “Anthropometric Laboratory,” where he used devices of his own making to test exhibition-goers on, among other things, their “Keenness of Sight and of Hearing, Colour Sense, Judgment of Eye, [and] Reaction Time.” His experiments left him with little faith in the intelligence of the average person, “the stupidity and wrong-headedness of many men and women being so great as to be scarcely credible.” Only if power and control stayed in the hands of the select, well-bred few, Galton believed, could a society remain healthy and strong.

As he walked through the exhibition that day, Galton came across a weight-judging competition. A fat ox had been selected and placed on display, and members of a gathering crowd were lining up to place wagers on the weight of the ox. (Or rather, they were placing wagers on what the weight of the ox would be after it had been “slaughtered and dressed.”) For sixpence, you could buy a stamped and numbered ticket, where you filled in your name, your address, and your estimate. The best guesses would receive prizes.

Eight hundred people tried their luck. They were a diverse lot. Many of them were butchers and farmers, who were presumably expert at judging the weight of livestock, but there were also quite a few people who had, as it were, no insider knowledge of cattle. “Many non-experts competed,” Galton wrote later in the scientific journal Nature, “like those clerks and others who have no expert knowledge of horses, but who bet on races, guided by newspapers, friends, and their own fancies.” The analogy to a democracy, in which people of radically different abilities and interests each get one vote, had suggested itself to Galton immediately. “The average competitor was probably as well fitted for making a just estimate of the dressed weight of the ox, as an average voter is of judging the merits of most political issues on which he votes,” he wrote.

Galton was interested in figuring out what the “average voter” was capable of because he wanted to prove that the average voter was capable of very little. So he turned the competition into an im-promptu experiment. When the contest was over and the prizes had been awarded, Galton borrowed the tickets from the organizers and ran a series of statistical tests on them. Galton arranged the guesses (which totaled 787 in all, after he had to discard thirteen because they were illegible) in order from highest to lowest and graphed them to see if they would form a bell curve. Then, among other things, he added all the contestants’ estimates, and calculated the mean of the group’s guesses. That number represented, you could say, the collective wisdom of the Plymouth crowd. If the crowd were a single person, that was how much it would have guessed the ox weighed.

Galton undoubtedly thought that the average guess of the group would be way off the mark. After all, mix a few very smart people with some mediocre people and a lot of dumb people, and it seems likely you’d end up with a dumb answer. But Galton was wrong. The crowd had guessed that the ox, after it had been slaughtered and dressed, would weigh 1,197 pounds. After it had been slaughtered and dressed, the ox weighed 1,198 pounds. In other words, the crowd’s judgment was essentially perfect. Perhaps breeding did not mean so much after all. Galton wrote later: “The result seems more creditable to the trustworthiness of a democratic judgment than might have been expected.” That was, to say the least, an understatement.




Pole Shift

Edgar Cayce predicted a pole shift beginning in 1998. Many people think that this was one of his predictions that never came true.

It happened just like he said, but most of the world may not have noticed. He said there would be a change in the magnetic poles of the Earth, and that this change would be gradual (meaning it may not be immediately recognized). This is commonly interpreted as a physical flipping of the earth’s magnetic poles, but that’s not the only way to interpret it.

The pole shift IS magnetic, but it’s a shift from a dipolar to a unipolar magnetic field. If this were to be physically represented, it would be a shift from having a north and south pole to having a single pole in the center of the earth. It isn’t the physical change that’s important however, the actual shift is a change in the magnetic polarity of your consciousness from dipolar to unipolar.

Our minds are constantly attracted and repelled by two opposite poles – good/bad, love/hate, black/white… you get it, duality. The pole shift gradually shifts your thinking to where you don’t have to choose between A and B all the time, you can choose both as one. Like the song says, “we have freedom of choice, what we want is freedom FROM choice”.

Don’t see any evidence of it?

Look around you anywhere and everywhere, the world we live in is now changing at a rate we can barely keep up with. We are literally swimming in the evidence.

Edgar Cayce’s prediction was right on, timing wise and with everything he said about it. I just thought someone ought to set the record straight.



Everyone wants to tell their story, but who wants to listen?

I recently had a conversation with a friend where I threw some of this stuff out there to kind of test how it’s going to be received by normal people living everyday normal lives. By normal, I just mean they’re doing what everyone else is doing and are happy with it, their lives are fine and they aren’t searching for anything beyond that at the moment. More power to them, I’m not suggesting anyone change what’s working for them. What I am suggesting, is that if the same old story isn’t working for you anymore… there’s a new one to tell.

Back to the original point. When I started throwing this stuff out there he made it pretty clear both verbally and non-verbally that he wasn’t really interested in the crap spewing out of my trap at the moment. Fair enough, I kind of summarized what I was up to and left it at that.

Then he began telling me about what was on his mind… a new place he was checking out, a restaurant nearby there and how it was an added benefit because the company he works for does a lot of stuff at that restaurant. I gave it all the “courtesy ear”. I was engaged to a point, but the whole time I was giving off the same non-verbal signals he had. I mean I was trying to listen, but I just couldn’t help my mind wandering off because it had no interest in the story.

We both looked at each other at the same time and realized it. What was happening was a matter of relevance. What I was saying was completely irrelevant to him and what he was saying was completely irrelevant to me… at that moment anyway.

So how do you get people “into” to your story?

I think you need 3 things. You need a good story, you need to be a good storyteller, and you need a captive audience. I believe we have all 3 elements in abundance.

Since it’s your story, it’s up to you to get people into it. You can’t make people listen so that leaves all the other ways of getting them into it. The way I see it, it’s up to me as a storyteller to engage and entertain people to gain their interest. I don’t know how to use all those other ways of getting people into it yet, but I think I’m going to learn… because I LOVE a good story. I love everything about a good story, hearing one, telling one, and I especially love a new story, with new adventure about new discoveries.

I’m hoping all of this will eventually take form into one of those stories, one you don’t hear everyday, one that engages people to the point that they all start participating and taking the adventure with you. I believe it is the greatest story never told, not because it’s my story, but because it’s ours. It really is time to start telling our REAL story.

I already know this is going to happen, people everywhere are already cracking their own novels. Once you start reading the book that contains the story of the Human race, you won’t be able to put it down. One because it’s the most amazing story you’ve ever heard, and two because it’s not just our story, it’s yours.

In the world I see us moving into, we all have our art or craft that we have have perfected, it is our contribution to that world. Nobody works, unless you consider something you love and have absolutely mastered as work. I think in that world, my “mastercraft” is storytelling, I mean the kind of storytelling that shapes realities. It kind of makes sense, I haven’t been able to express any of this stuff for 50 years and this is the way it wants to come out. I have no background in music, painting, dance, sculpture, or any other art form.

My “craft” is Myth, making up the stories that both conceal and reveal what we’re really doing here. My “art” is Storytelling. I’ve been given the biggest story there is to tell, the triumph of the human race against all, and I do mean ALL odds. I’ve been given a captive audience.. who among us doesn’t want to know our “real” story? We’re all bound here dying to live it. The only thing I’m not sure if I’ve been given yet, is the master storyteller skill set.

Joseph Campbell was known as a master of myth and the “man of a thousand stories”. I’d love to tell a whopper that would make him grin from ear to ear.

I don’t really have any personal gurus, but he said a couple of things that were absolutely instrumental in helping me. “Follow your Bliss” and “Know your Tribe”. The first came at a time when I was in a spot, wondering if I should continue on the path I’ve always been on or opt for a “normal” life. It rang thru like explicit instructions for a crucial decision. The second also came at the right time and it was even more like direct communication, letting me know who I am and what I’m a part of. Out of context neither really means anything, in context, they mean everything. Like myth… pretty clever.





Oral Tradition

Legend has it that sacred knowledge was never written down but passed on orally from teacher to student.

I don’t think they meant some old guy whispering in some young guy’s ear. I think they mean the old man in you passing it on to the new man in you. This happens orally, but it’s internal… the source of gnostic knowledge.

In my case, it’s like the world’s best teacher paired with the world’s worst student.

We’ll see how that goes 🙂

Black Hole Son

We typically think of stars as radiating bodies and most of them are, but when a certain rotational velocity is reached the star can explode with a force equal to that of the universe itself. Given it has enough rotational velocity and a central position within the heliocentric universe, the resulting supernova (named for the auric energy sphere produced by the explosion) will expand to the very edges of the universe itself.

This is the Hypernova, and as soon as its auric field (consciousness) envelopes the universe it will reverse spin direction. It does this without losing momentum or rotational speed, it then begins to increase its rotational velocity creating a massive torsion field. Soon torsional forces start to overcome radial forces and the star begins to collapse under it’s own gravity. If the radial and torsional forces are properly dynamically balanced during the collapse, the star turns into a black hole with a single perfected atom at it’s center known as a “singularity”. The entire universe is now contained within the event horizon of this supermassive black hole and is being drawn toward the singularity.

The star also needs some way of obtaining massive amounts of additional energy during the process as it’s now using more energy than it’s able to produce trying to control it’s own collapse. This requires a human population to produce that supplemental energy.

Stellar core progression is intelligently controlled… by us. We all have cosmic or stellar bodies that correspond to our bodies here on Earth. I know it sounds impossible, but it’s pretty much just radial and torsional forces. Push and pull based on the spin direction and velocity of a rotating center which we apparently can control within our own minds.

As weird as it sounds, I could “feel” myself controlling that stellar core progression within my own mental rotation. I felt ALL that stuff happen within me. I get mental “impressions” that form associations between what I’m experiencing and my own current models of black holes. These would be mental images if I took it that far. I stick to impressions because it saves me a couple of steps in the mental translation process between my unconscious and conscious mind if I can “get” stuff without having to draw a picture.

In other words, my subconscious mind is using my conscious knowledge of black holes as a mental model to help me explain to myself what is going on. Modern personal myth.

When I look at the model in my head right now, I see a different universe… our “real” home. I see self generated torsion fields and black holes as the Way we’re all going to get there.

Self Test

Here’s a little self test you can do to find out if you’re ready for this revolution.

Ask yourself this question:  If you could be anything you wanted to be, make your world whatever you wished, live any life you wanted to live starting right now, would you still be living the same life tomorrow as you are today?

If you said “hell no!” you’re already a recruit. Work to do but you’re ready for this kind of Work.

If you waffled even for a moment, you’re going to have a lot of work to do.

If you think you’re living the good life now, it’s going to be an uphill battle on a mudslide coated with Vaseline to save your very soul.

Even if you’re the head cheese of cheeseville, what you’ll be gaining when you finally let go of it is infinitely more satisfying. The most opulent life in this world wouldn’t even count for ghetto in the new world we’re ushering in.

Everyone is going to make it and with each person that does, we have more ways to help those that haven’t yet.

Real Magic

Intentions are everything when it comes to performing what we call magic. Not the slight of hand or illusory tricks of a stage magician. I’m talking about high ritual magic – using very small gestures to make very big things happen.

You can’t fake your intentions. You can try to mask your real intentions to others but YOU always know your real intentions.

The First Principle of Ritual Magic:

No matter who or what you THINK the “target” of your magical act is, the real target is and can only be YOU. Understanding this will help you generate the real intentions necessary to perform the highest magical act there is, the transfiguration of the Human Soul – the Resurrection of all Life within you.

This entire blog and everything about it from every conceivable angle symbolically represents something I’m trying to do to help achieve my own Resurrection. I’d like to say that’s not going to affect anyone else’s world here, but I can’t. The very idea of resurrection suggests that you can’t do it alone, for better or worse we’re harmonically coupled. All we can do is use it to our best advantage and remember ALWAYS what we’re trying to do here.

That being said, in the interest of transparency and honesty here’s one thing I hope to accomplish with this blog.

It’s not what I’m saying here that matters. Actions speak louder than words, for one because they reveal true intentions, words generally mask them. I try to get them to match as closely as possible here, but if you really want to follow what’s going on, pay attention to what I’m doing, not just what I’m saying.

In order to achieve my own resurrection, I need the whole human race to achieve it. It’s a sad fact when you look at what we’re facing, but true. I might be among the first to realize this, but as each individual here figures out the same thing, this revolutionary movement gains a momentum that cannot be stopped until the whole of humanity has been transformed into what we truly are and were always supposed to be.

Phase one of our plan was to access the knowledge kept hidden from us. That’s been and is being done. Phase two is distribution of that knowledge in a usable form. I’m pretty idealistic but even I realize that I’m not going to be able to explain all this by myself, it just isn’t physically possible, nor is it realistic to believe that this stupid little blog is going to reach everyone from every angle.

What I am able to do tho, is use it as a magical gesture to carry out my (our) intentions. I’m hoping at least, that the gesture of trying to bring this knowledge to light here, has the “effect” of pushing this information thru the mainstream media. I mean all of it, TV, movies, music, games, and the biggest electronic voodoo doll of them all – the internet. I say the effect because I’m really exercising a drawing function behind it to create what seems like a push. I want it to be in it’s crude and raw form for both accurate representation and transparency.

It’s the attempt, the try that drives it. The more Will force (it’s just willpower in action) applied, the stronger my intentions. The stronger my intentions, the more likely it is to succeed. The accuracy of the correspondences is important because that’s your targeting mechanism. So you’re driving your own car, your intentions are steering where you want it to go, your Will is the motor that powers it, and the accuracy of your correspondences is like the detail of your map and directions.

There are also forces within and without that have to be dealt with. Some of those forces oppose what we’re trying to do (known collectively as the antichrist) and others support our cause. We need to use all those forces to achieve what we’re trying to do (Annuit Coeptis – Our daring Work is supported by All) and that means communication must be established. Part of what the symbolic correspondences here are designed to do is “correspond” with the intelligences behind these forces so we can bring everyone to the same negotiating table.

I’m communicating what The Advocacy’s position is, where we’re at with things and what we’re asking from those currently in power – the head priests of the seven sacred orders. They should communicate back, thru the mainstream media, with a symbolic handshake and response. Assuming we understand each other’s correspondences or language, that communication will be established and we can get down to the real Work.

Don’t get freaked out by all this, WE are the ones doing it… all of it. This is what Humanity is doing to put the People back in control of their own world(s). The People aren’t sheeple, we have always been in control, we’re just asserting that control and taking back our world.

I’m just trying to help show you what we’re up to. A lot of stuff here is going to seem impossible and unbelievable. I can assure you it’s not, we are masters of the impossible and once you start to see that, you will truly believe that anything is possible. I want to be as honest and transparent about everything as I can. There are still some security issues we’re concerned about, but once communication is established those should resolve themselves.

Welcome to the world of ritual magic! Just remember that “real” magic is based on “real” intentions.


The Missing Link

I remember when growing up scientists were always looking for the evolutionary “missing link” between man and the animals around him. They were always running around looking for some prototype half ape, half man to make the evolution story work.

It’s what’s known as a quantum evolutionary leap. What this means is that it’s quite impossible to make that leap without some kind of bridge to cross between the two kingdoms.

That bridge is our pets. The reason they love us without question even when we’re cruel to them is because we are providing a way for them to attain the biggest leap they have yet known in their evolutionary process. The leap from being part of a group soul to becoming an individual soul. That’s what’s really taking place here, a dog is just a dog until we name it and treat it like an individual. It also provides a magical bridge for our own quantum leap, without pets we’d be screwed.

Where in our evolutionary history does it ever hint that we were once pets?

In myth and legends. Almost all of them tell of a time when we were slaves and describe the relationships between slaves and masters exactly the way we’d see them if we were the pets. My theory is that our pets see themselves this way, people in a society in bondage. What we see today as buying and neutering our pets, they see as being sold into slavery and turned into eunuchs. This is all over in ancient myth, we DID go thru the same thing our pets are going thru now.

Even after we bridge the quantum gap and become Man, we’re still trying to break away from group souls. The group souls themselves make it tough because they want your membership and never want to give it up unless you become like a disease threatening to completely dismember them.

The goal is to become as individual as possible and yet retain your membership in the Whole. That means eventually separating from all subgroups within the Human race so the only group you’re beholding to is the Whole of Humanity – maximum individuality and maximum group membership all in the same package… You.

In an esoteric sense, when you support an exclusive group by being a member or some other means, what you’re really doing is supporting a particular function within yourself over other functions. This creates imbalances in the Body, we see this in the external world as a myriad of subgroups all fighting amongst each other over ideology. This is why you want to ditch any and all subgroups and support the Whole. You’re killing three birds with one stone, the very act of disengaging subgroups both supports the whole and makes you more individual at the same time. The combined action of the two brings your mind and body back into harmonic balance.

On another note, support comes in many forms. One of the biggest ways people are supporting the largest most powerful groups in this world is thru symbolism. Everything in this world is a sign, a sign that symbolizes a particular function. These groups each have their function within the whole and the symbols they use describe the function they perform.

You’re supporting the secret orders of the world without even knowing it just by being a consumer. They all have product logos, company logos, trademarks, and branding. These are all made up of arcane symbols that they’re using to describe their work, when you buy or use something with those symbols, you are supporting the group behind it.

You might need to read all that twice to put two and two together 🙂



If I can’t Dance, it’s not My Revolution

The New American Revolution is coming, but this time it’s no tea party. This time, it’s a revolution we can all dance to.

I can’t even dance and I’m on board with that one. I could never follow a beat, my mind was already dancing to the beat of a different drum. “Give me the beat boys to free my soul, I wanna get lost in your rock and roll and drift awaaay… ” please! I want to dance.

I want to dance, I want to sing, I want to be able to fully express myself and enjoy the full expression of others in my world. I want everyone to dance, to stop being afraid to dance, to join hands and teach one another how to dance again.

This Revolution can take place without a single shot fired because the real revolution is one of self discovery. What’s really being revolutionized is the way we think and perceive the world, the way we see our “Self”. It’s about discovering who we really are and what we’ve really been up to.

“Know thy Self”  That’s the revolution that’s coming and figuring out who you really are is the most interesting and amazing journey you will ever embark on. It is the carrot that leads you out of this mundane world of forever going in the same circles, trying to pretend it’s something new each time around.

I’m not saying this revolution isn’t a lot of hard work, it’s mind bogglingly hard but it’s better than the work you’ve been doing (being your own worst enemy). Now the work is an adventure, it starts out slow and difficult but the further you progress into your own story, the more fun it gets. Now the hardest work to be done is to figure out how to dance again. Turns out that’s not as easy as it sounds, but it’s a lot more fun than beating the crap out of yourself.

Once you join this Revolution, you will understand why it cannot be stopped and why the movement is growing exponentially. This my friends, is the New American Revolution… let’s dance.