The Day of “Be with Us”

If you look at different myths and religions around the world you’ll see that they all have a kind of ultimate goal, the highest achievable state of consciousness using that system.

I can’t remember where I got it from originally, except that I was studying some obscure pre-christian myth about resurrection. They talked about the highest states an individual soul could attain, states of pure bliss and super-consciousness. Then there was something above and beyond all of those that they simply referred to as “the Day of Be with Us” or “the Day of Come Be with Us”.

Back then it didn’t really sound like much of an achievement based on what they were calling it, but back then I didn’t know the difference between resurrection and ascension. Now that I do, it makes perfect sense.

Why We Can’t Find the Alternate Universe

Because it’s not out there, it’s in your head.

We live in two worlds, one inside our head and the other outside of our head. Physicists have been looking for these alternate universes, they know mathematically that they occupy the same space as our own universe but can’t find them. They’ve defined them in about as many ways as you can without actually finding or seeing them. The problem is, they’re looking for these alternate universes (which exist inside our heads) in the universe which exists outside our heads.

You can’t find what isn’t there.

Or can you?

We seem to be getting closer to it all the time.

“Seek and Ye shall find”

“Thy Kingdom come, thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven”

This is one of those things that appears to be normal accepted behavior on the surface, looks absolutely stupid when you look at the back asswards way we’re trying to do it, but then upon further scrutiny from a totally different angle, becomes so elegantly brilliant that it is perfection itself.

In a magical sense, what we’re actually doing is drawing Heaven down to Earth. It is the very act of seeking, a negative drawing force we’re using to bring those alternate universes into this one. I believe this is being greatly amplified using what’s referred to as black sun technology… more on that later in another post.

We all have in our heads our own fantasy worlds where we can do anything we can imagine, be anything we aspire to be. We can all do that without any interference whatsoever, I can be whatever I want in my head and so can you, without conflicting in any way. Those worlds are every bit as real as this one, they’re just not “here” so we can’t share them with each other to prove it.

Making Heaven on Earth is about making those worlds real in this world so we can share our creative work. The trick isn’t in the magic tho, the trick is in bringing all of these individual heavens down to earth without them stomping all over each other.

I’m pretty sure this will all be up to individual effort and choice. You’ll get a glimpse of Heaven, in a moment you will see what is possible both ways – your heaven or our heaven. You’ll see what is possible if you ascend and “go to heaven”, your own personal heaven where everything goes your way and anything “you” can imagine is possible. You’ll also see what is possible if you bring “heaven down to earth” where everything goes “our” way – your way and everyone else’s. Instead of just your own individual imagination, you now have the combined creative power of the entire human collective mind at your disposal.

It is still absolute power over your world, you haven’t given up anything, your perfect world just became a whole lot bigger and more interesting. The only caveat is, Resurrection will require more work on your part, choose Ascension and your work here is done. The caveat to the caveat is, if you choose ascension, you WILL be back to go thru this all over again, and again, and again, forever stuck in the cycles until you do achieve resurrection.

Look at it this way, would you rather have your “perfect” world limited to just your own imagination, or would you like to use everyone’s imagination to create it?

If you choose resurrection it will block your ascension. This is because you’re going to be changing the perfect world you built in your head so it’s not actually going to be there to ascend to. This is a dynamic tuning process where you bring your Heaven “down to Earth”. The good news is, you don’t have to know how to do it, your own “God” will teach you thru the Holy Spirit, also known as the “Third I”, the ghost of the real you, the Christic you, the real purpose of it all.

Many people don’t really think all the huge scientific endeavors we engage in are really necessary, that we could be feeding starving children in third world countries and curing disease with all those trillions of dollars. Yeah, we could, and we could keep feeding and curing them so they could keep suffering in a world that sucks or we can combine and focus our efforts on something that might actually get us all out of this hell hole… once and for all.

Myth and the Afterlife

There seems to be a common misconception when reading stuff like the Tibetan Book of the Dead, Egyptian Book of the Dead, and other myths about the afterlife. I don’t think most people realize even while reading that stuff that it’s about what they’re going thru here – this IS the afterlife. Those aren’t instructions for after you die here, you died to get here. The instructions are for how to get your Whole ass out of here in One piece… Resurrection. The instructions in the myths are to be applied here and now, if you wait until it’s over it’s too late.

My Retirement Plan

So here I sit, relatively uninspired at the moment, reflecting on the gravity of the situation. This is one of those re-balancing moments where everything is in a state of flux. I’ve found flaws in my world view model so I have to smash it to pieces and rebuild the whole thing… again. As bad as it sounds, I do it all the time and my mind has gotten pretty fast at it so it’s not as gloomy and doomy as it was the first time I realized I had to smash it and start over.

It’s not like you can just correct a single flaw or add a new piece and be done with it. It’s like tuning a steel drum, change one note and you have to re-tune all of them. Every piece in my world view model is intimately intertwined with every other piece, change anything with one piece and you have to make adjustments accordingly on all of them. It ends up being easier to demolish and rebuild the whole thing around the new information than tweaking every little piece individually.

It’s also a lesson in humility, to realize the gravity of the situation. I always planned on succeeding at this, I haven’t lived my life with any kind of alternate plan or safety net in case I fail – this is it. It’s moments like these that I reflect on what I’m doing and wonder if I haven’t bitten off WAY more than I can chew. I realize just how much help I’m going to need to make this work. What if it doesn’t arrive? What if the call to my posse falls on deaf ears? What if they don’t even exist outside of my head? I guess it’s time to find out, just kick back and watch it unfold because it’s way better entertainment than anything on TV.

The thought of giving up doesn’t really enter into my mind, I have a lifetime invested in this, wtf else would I even do? Besides that, once you’re 2/3 of the way down the rabbit hole, you might as well go all the way because nothing else will ever satisfy.

I kinda came out firing both barrels but when I weighed all the options on what angle to approach this from, that was the one that sucked the least. A soft start and gradual lead in would have taken too long, gained little attention, and given me too much of a safety net. There’s that old principle which basically says “if you put a man in a do or die situation, more often than not… he’ll do”. It adds a little incentive to get it right when you don’t have any other options.

This is a fucked up chaotic mess of a world, nothing here makes sense when you really look at it. It’s like a bad clown nightmare, if you saw it from the outside it would all look like ridiculous nonsense, yet we accept it as reality. But then when you REALLY look at it from all angles, something weird starts to happen and it does start making sense. That’s the “order” that I’m looking for, my mind hates irrational bullshit so it’s constantly re-ordering everything trying to make sense of it all. In other words, I don’t have a choice, I’m either going to figure this out or die trying.

The odd thing is, I’m not actually afraid of dying. I know that the real me can’t actually be destroyed because I’m all that there is at that level. I can neither be created or destroyed, only what I create or destroy can be created or destroyed. The only fear I have is in having to go thru everything we went thru to get here all over again if it doesn’t work out. It’s an incredible amount of blood, sweat, and tears to go to waste, not that I wouldn’t try all over again if I know it’s possible, I’d just rather not have to.

I never really lose faith that we can do this tho, not because we haven’t failed countless times before, but because it’s just our time… we’ve kinda run out of ways to fail.



The World’s Biggest Voodoo Doll

If I understand what’s going on here right, then what I’ve essentially done is to turn myself into the world’s biggest, most powerful voodoo doll.

I’m hoping that doesn’t mean the “People’s Pincushion”

Without going into the messy details, what I’ve done with The Advocacy is set up a spiritual agency and mechanism to allow myself to be “moved by the People”. So, I’m like a voodoo doll the human race as a whole can “move” in order to move itself.

I can’t even begin to explain what a potentially dangerous situation this is. If you’re following along closely enough you can use your own imagination to figure out why.

If I make any mistakes working for an unforgiving People that are still playing the blame game, I WILL be the People’s Pincushion. I think pretty much anyone can figure out what happens when you start sticking pins in a voodoo doll of yourself, and none of it is good.

Although it seems like I should be, I’m not really worried about that happening.

You see, if there is one thing I believe in it is the Human race and the Work we are doing. I mean with all my heart and very soul, if I didn’t I wouldn’t have put a lifetime worth of effort into it. I’ve seen what the Human race is up to, I’ve fought for it, bled for it, even been willing to die for it because I believe in our song. That belief is growing stronger everyday as I see what we have faced and overcome to get where we stand today… poised and ready to achieve what no other world, no other race, no other civilization in human history, ever has.

If I understand the Law of Reciprocity correctly, it is that very belief that will save me from the angry horde. I’m sure it will be tested, but with a rock solid belief that is growing ever stronger, I’m not too worried about that either.



The Truth that will Piss You Off

What is Truth?

I mean really, in a made up world of make believe, wtf is really true? Nothing is real, so if everything is false, what truth can there be to it?

That everything is made up, that IS the truth. You create and maintain this entire reality, everything you experience and know of, in your own imagination.

THAT is the truth that will piss you off and then set you free.

Truth means we can drop the blame game that’s keeping this world in conflict and suffering. Nobody has ever done anything to anyone else so you can stop blaming the world around you for what you endure… YOU’RE DOING IT. You can also stop feeling guilty for what you’ve done to others that you’d never do to yourself… you ARE doing it to yourself.

I’ve heard all the arguments against this, both internally and externally. Without exception they are based on emotional vestments in, and attachments to, a reality that isn’t even “real”.

I’ve also done the math, I know what MUST be true by way of cross referencing all available data. It is the only reasonable conclusion because it is the only one that makes sense.

Look at your world – who is at the center of it? Who else could be creating it?

Even once you accept it in an academic sense, applying it is a bitch. Your mind is fighting it’s own inertia. You want to believe it because it means the power to control your world if it is true, but then you don’t want to believe it because it means completely going against everything you know. Going against everything you’ve come to believe in to try to figure this out is hard, really hard. It’s a bit like grabbing your own belt and trying to lift yourself off the ground with it, it seems futile but you just have to keep trying.

You’ll get frustrated and want to give up plenty of times, but if complete control of the world around you is enough incentive over living whatever life you’ve been living here, you won’t. You’ll keep pressing, keep looking for evidence to support the math and bit by bit, you’ll find it.

It takes constant internal coaching and you will fail over and over at first. If you’re like me you trust your math so you press on even more determined. My mind KNOWS it is capable of figuring ANYTHING out. If you tell me something is possible but not achievable that’s game on for my mind.

You’ll start paying a lot closer attention to what you’re doing trying to figure out the mechanics of how it works. You won’t be just dropping the blame game like a hot potato at first, your own trigger time prevents you from interceding. You’re so quick to blame the world around you for literally everything (good and bad) that it’s impossible to stop it in the act. The deed is done before you’ve had a chance to intervene in your own actions.

It seems to take forever but eventually you become like a mental athlete, constant coaching hones your agility and skills and you start winning those matches. You’ll start “catching” it here and there, noticing what you’re doing and how it is affecting your world. The more you notice the harder you work to figure it out and put it into practice.

As you stop fighting (blaming) the world around you, it actually starts helping you, sharing her secrets with you and supporting what you’re doing. Now at least, the warrior bold is no longer so staunchly defending and protecting ignorance. He wants to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.

That’s kind of where I’m at right now. I haven’t figured it out, but I’m figuring it out and know I will. I haven’t proven it yet, but I’m proving it and know I will. Never underestimate a highly determined individual with a plan.



People everywhere are screaming for disclosure “We want the Truth!”

Let’s look at what disclosure really means.

What complete disclosure really means is that when you’re by yourself masturbating, EVERYONE is going to know. Not just that you’re doing it, but whatever twisted fetish your mind is engaged in and why. They’ll know every thought in your head. In fact, whatever act you’re putting on that makes you “you”, is probably going to disappear because everyone will see right thru it.

I’m all for it, I believe it’s time we stop hiding from ourselves. This can be done in a way that enhances individuality too, all we have to do is allow everyone else to be whoever and whatever they aspire to be.

Bob Marley and the CIA

I’m a huge old reggae fan, the original trenchtown guys and movement that started with Bob Marley and that small group of people in Jamaica that apparently hit on something big. They knew about what was really going on here somehow, it’s not like they totally figured it out, but Bob did figure out something so huge the CIA had to do something about it.

There are a lot of urban legends surrounding all this but here’s my take:

I think Bob Marley and some of the others were natural mystics. In other words they had the natural abilities, but never had any official training on how to use them. I think what trained them is the conditions they were living under in trenchtown. Bob was a friend/student of a supposed Rastafarian elder who might have coached him on some things, but it’s hard to say for sure. Marley was clearly the one with the most natural ability, he seemed to be able to look into things much deeper than the others. I don’t think anyone told him the secret, I think he more or less stumbled upon it in a trance.

I’m not just going to come out and tell you that secret, because he already did. The song “Get up – Stand Up” slaps you right in the fucking forehead with it. I think the CIA first tried to reason with him and probably explained why the secret should never be revealed but Bob had a different opinion, he thought it was the people’s right to know.

The CIA had no cause to kill him. After being unsuccessful at negotiating with him, they would have just flooded the message with disinformation so nobody would figure out what he was actually trying to tell them. It worked, he told everyone the biggest secret in the world right over the radio and NOBODY got it, at least nobody I ever knew. I’m sure the CIA had figured out by that point that no secret stays secret forever and that killing the messengers wasn’t going to kill the message.

I think the “war” between the CIA and Bob was one of Bob continuing to try to get the message out and the CIA confusing it with disinformation every time he did. What this actually ended up doing was delivering the message to the people that were supposed to get it, and completely missing the ones that weren’t.

I think what Bob noticed is that we all live in separate worlds. Your world is in your head, completely independent of everyone else’s world in their head. These worlds are all different and independent of one another, so how is it we seem to live in a common world? If your world is in somebody’s head (yours) then doing the math, this common world must also be… ?

If you did figure that out, then you’ll also figure out why it was and HAD to be kept secret. Is it time for the world to know? I’m with Bob in that I believe the people should know, it is their right by ownership. I’m also well aware of what a delicate situation it is and the consequences of revealing knowledge to a mass of people who have been deliberately kept ignorant and emotionally overstimulated. The proposition is scary either way, the whole thing could go horribly wrong or wonderfully right.



Average of Averages

If you look at the Work the Human race is doing, you can see a bunch of scalar averaging cascading down thru orders of magnitude, like fractal expansion in reverse.

What I mean is this universe seems to be an average of every universe in the multiverse, our cluster of galaxies seems to be an average of this universe, the Milky Way seems to be an average of the galaxies in the cluster, our solar system seems to be an average of the solar systems in the galaxy, the Earth is the middle or average planet in our solar system, America is an average of the Earth, and so on down to a single person being the average person in America. This is what’s known as the Son of Man, the ultimate Average of Averages, the absolute mean average of all life everywhere.

Biologically, man himself is an average of all life on Earth. If you pick up a book like Gray’s Anotomy and start paging thru it, you can see it. You’ll notice in the pictures and diagrams that our human anatomy contains every plant, tree, animal, fish, bird, insect, worm… all of it.

So it’s being done, but how… and why?

By absolutely hammering the extreme ends of the scales. Everything we’re doing here is scalar. We measure everything in this world on a scale, good and bad, smart and stupid, big and small, hot and cold. The “ends” of the scale are opposite extremes and if there is one thing this world is doing, that I did in my life (to an extreme) was hitting those extremes. We hit them hard, as hard as we possibly can without destroying ourselves.

I can tell you from personal experience this is not easy, it was so fucking hard all I ever wanted to do was give up, but my own will and determination would never let me. In looking around, I could say the Human race is pretty much up to the same thing. What makes it tough, is you can’t just hit an extreme and call it good, it’s like a teeter-totter. If you hit an extreme you have to balance it out by hitting its polar opposite or you WILL lose your balance and fall out of existence here.

What this does is increase the circumference or size of the world you’re trying to build. Size in imagined realities has nothing to do with physical dimensions, it’s measured by what your world can contain.

Your mind is constantly in rotation, just like everything in your external world. We are basically rotating thru the 12 octaves of creation as we play the scales. So while you’re hitting your extremes from the center, you are also spinning. Think of a wheel with 12 spokes, each spoke coming from the center of the wheel to the rim represents half a scale. It’s opposite spoke is the other half of the scale. What you’re doing is extending the spokes each time you hit an extreme. When you do this to ALL the spokes, it increases the size of your wheel, but you have to be careful to keep things balanced when you’re increasing the length of the spokes or you’ll end up with Frankenwheel. You have to work as fast and hard as possible and still keep the wheel perfectly round. The reason for craftsmanship and accuracy is to create a more accurate average. The greater the circumference of your wheel and the more accurately centered you are, the more “average” you are. To make it even more challenging, there are actually 2 (or 3 if you count the phantom wheel created by those) wheels we’re doing this with at the same time, counter-rotating at very high speeds. The Zodiac is a 2d model representing all this.

What this really means is a life of constantly racing from one extreme to the other, in every conceivable direction. I used to call it emotional malaria because I felt like I was always bouncing between extreme hot and cold emotionally. For most of my life I was a human yo-yo and I had no idea who was pulling the string.

In doing that, you store up a lot of that emotional energy. Any shrink will tell you this is bad, but everything here that’s bad can be used for a good purpose. It was this accumulated emotional energy that I used to fire my arc and expand my consciousness. I knew when I did it that my “wheel” had to be large enough to contain everything within me, I also knew that if I wasn’t perfectly centered in the middle of that circle, or it wasn’t perfectly round, that what I was trying to do would fail… it didn’t.

On a deeper note, if you look at the scalar averaging I was talking about in reverse, I think it holds some clues to the actual physics behind how our minds create realities. In other words, I think what we’re doing here is in a sense “uncreating” our previous creation in a way that ensures nothing gets left behind so that when we create our new one, it has everything the old one had… and more. I also think the uncreation of our old world happens simultaneously with the “creation” of our new one. It is the same act perceived from two opposite angles.