Iron, Lion, Zion

Iron is the most stable atomic matrix there is. If you’re going to build something solid and enduring you want to do it on a foundation of Iron, during the Iron Age. The most perfectly solid and enduring structure there is… the Great Pyramid

If you want your Pyramid to be the Greatest of All, you need the Lion of Judah as your head corner stone. We covered that one 🙂

Zion is the mythical past and future homeland of the 13th Tribe, the Tribe of Judah, it is the Land of our Inheritance. It’s also what Homeland Security is really all about. What Homeland Security is attempting to “secure” is what’s in our Heart. Things are rarely what they appear to be in this world. Trust me, what we have in our heart is the most valuable resource in the Universe… and it’s worth whatever we need to do to protect it.

The Lion of Judah

He is the King of Beats and a member of the 13th tribe otherwise known as the Tribe of Judah. The Tribe of Judah is a tribe of rejects, those cast out of the other 12 tribes… a tribe of those who have no tribe of their own… all the Stones the builders refused. This makes for a mountain of stones nobody wants.. they are essentially “free”

A Freemason is somebody who uses these free stones to build a monumental structure capable of housing all of them with unique purpose, position, and place. This requires 3 things… Time, Space, and a hell of a lot of Patience. Time and Space for position and place and the Patience to let them find it themselves. Remember, the Stones are US

If successful tho, he becomes the King of the Hill, the Great Pyramid, the most perfect structure ever built. Every rejected stone is now perfect in its own rite. Each and every stone performs a vital function to a perfect whole just being being what and where it naturally wants to be. Because it is now supported by the whole structure, it becomes the very best at what it does with the support of every available resource. Remember, the Stones are US

He is the King of Beats because he has the biggest heart. He is the only One to have made room for every One in his Heart before we all ran out of Time, Space, and Patience

The Lion of Judah has prevailed, or we wouldn’t be here right now because our allotted Time ran out at midnight on December 21 2012, our allotted Space ran out when the world population reached 7 billion, the only thing keeping us together in our endeavor is the undying Patience of the biggest Heart in the Universe.

Enemy Mine

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend”

You are your own worst enemy

You are the enemy of your enemy

You are your own best friend

Know your enemy, know your friend

Love your enemy, love your friend

Come be with us 🙂

Powerful Magic

This is practical magic for practicing magicians, ordinary folks already know it 🙂

The most powerful magical gesture is a Smile

The most powerful magical phrase is “Thank you”

In the magical house of cards a smile trumps a frown and “thank you” trumps “fuck you”

If it seems like I’m being trite I’m not. They are the simplest to perform and both can be safely and enjoyably loaded with all the will force you can muster.

Do you know what happens when you load a frown with all the will force you can muster?

Doubt and Faith

I’m a man of faith… deep, passionate, wholly committed faith. I’m not just fucking around pretending, I have real, honest to goodness hard earned faith in my heart.

I also have my doubts about literally everything I have faith in. My faith is attacked every minute of every hour of every day by moments of doubt and pain, yet it persists with a vengeance. Faith is one thing you have to kill in its infancy if you don’t want to have it for life. Any doubt that doesn’t kill it only makes it stronger.

Doubt and Faith are adversarial twins, you don’t get one without the other. Faith untested is no faith at all. In fact, if there were nothing to test our faith why the hell would we even need it? Faith is the power of our belief in action.

A man of faith is a man full of doubt, but faith is of the heart and the heart wins all battles in the end.


What is consciousness?

It would seem that consciousness is basically just awareness, but awareness isn’t as simple as it seems. It’s not just being aware, it’s also what you’re aware of and how aware you are of it. Being aware of your own awareness.

Consciousness is “presence”. Whole consciousness is to be wholly present.



It’s been said that possession is 9/10 of the law.

So what law are we talking about?

It can only be love. Love has to do with the heart and the heart has to do with possession. Besides, it says “the” law, meaning it supercedes all other laws.

The way to love is thru possession of and by the human heart and we have become wholly possessed. This is what they’re talking about in the bible with the Son of Man fulfilling the law to become the law.

E. Pluribus Unum, out of many One. We’re talking about a body of people creating a son, an immaculate conception. This “native son” is the heart of any tribe and will manifest itself thru possession. It will be by nature the most average member and in this way one member contains the entire tribe. This is the true priest or shaman, because he is capable of containing and moving his whole tribe within himself. The tribe is the body, and since the body “contains” the heart it becomes a case of mutual possession.

The true Alpha, because his tribe has made him so. Normally there is no tribal conflict within a world, because each world is of a single tribe. This world is different tho, this is a world of alpha males all seeking dominance and the power they’re used to with their own tribe in their own world. Maybe it’s why real self control in this world is next to impossible, look at what this world tribe consists of. It’s a bunch of pissed off alpha males in a deep pit locked in mortal combat. If it were just a fight to the death it would be easy, the real fight is trying to get everyone to work together without killing each other. You have to convince every last one of them that working together to get out of the pit is better than being the last man standing in a pit with no way out.

This isn’t a world of people in the way we’ve come to think of it. Each and every person here is that chosen representative of their race and world. An “avatar” but in this case the avatar is an entire civilization in seed form. It’s where we get the term Siddhi mystic from. He is both a seed to preserve his tribe in death and an priest to represent his tribe in life. It is literally the function of each and every individual here to bring their tribe back to life after the destruction has passed. This is a world of avatars.

You are the most important endeavor your tribe has ever undertaken. You are more precious to them than life itself. If they lose their lives in creating you it doesn’t matter, because their lives will spring forth from you out of the ashes of destruction. You are their Phoenix. Everything they had, were, and ever hoped for is encapsulated in you. “They” are our ancestors, and they waiting for us to bring them back to life out of their own ashes.

They are very eager to show us how to do just that, which is why they have been trying to communicate with us thru time. Not thru space, they’re already in our space but out of time, or we’re out of time depending on how you look at it. Time passes differently with them, in a few hours with them I experience what would take years here, sometimes even thousands of years. The distance we must span to communicate is thru time, not space.

They’re the ancient builders. Not only did they build their mighty high civilizations, they made you. Every individual soul in this world is a stone (a stone because you’re them in a supercondensed form) the builders refused. By refused I mean cast out of your tribe… death. It wasn’t because the love was lost, rather the contrary, they loved you more than life itself.

Our ancestors were casting their own seeds. You can and will reconnect with them at some point and they will make every effort humanly possible to impress upon you how important and dear you are to them. This is the most gratifying, healing, humbling, amazing, and wonderful experience I’ve ever had. The sheer awe and amazement in discovering who we really are and what we’re a part of is truly inspiring.

Meeting our ancestors is the only way to remember who we really are because they can “remind” us. They will literally reconfigure your mind to show you and they can do it because they are your mind. Mind is a mental matrix, a composition of thoughts (people) arranged in a unique pattern. If you’ve given them free will, they can arrange themselves and rearrange themselves into any pattern within the complexity level of your individual matrix. I can’t really explain how this works as well as your own people can show you.

Real possession means they are YOUR people and you are their most prized possession, it is the sacred marriage. You are the Son/Sol/Soul and your tribe is your long lost mate(s).

It’s time for the dead to wake the sleeping so the sleeping can raise the dead 🙂




The Seasons of the Son

Breathe in – the Rise or Spring

We breathe in until our lungs are full and hold the air for a moment – Summer

Breathe out – the Fall or Fall

We breathe out until our lungs are empty and hold the emptiness for a moment – Winter

Where we’re at is the dead of winter, holding our emptiness with our heart in stasis, in a trance between the dead and the sleeping. We’re fighting to remember who we are, to break the spell upon us so we can rise up put of our graves and restore the universe to its rightful owner… Humanity.

We are Ta Meri, the immortal ancient masters of eternity, keepers of the Human Heart, and we are waking up. Gods will tremble in our presence and shake the mighty Mount Olympus to the ground. Gods are but landlords and men merely tenants, we – Humanity, are the rightful owners of all that is, has ever been, or ever will be.


We know what it means to inspire, or to be inspired. Inspiration is the creative life

We know what it means to expire or be expired. Expiration is the destructive life

So what does it mean to conspire?

If you look around it would appear to mean pretending we’re inspired when we’re actually expired

We’re in a transitional world, where we’re warping the living shit (conspiracies) out of a universal reality. It’s not something we give ourselves a lot of credit for, but we’re incredibly good at it. The transition is supposed to be as seamless as possible. We smooth over the places where our conscious minds would freak out from lack of ability to process what’s happening.

We do this by subconsciously changing things our conscious minds aren’t currently looking at… the magic act. Another word for this kind of magic is “sorcery”. Since our conscious mind is generally focused on one thing at a time, during that time we can subconsciously make all kinds of changes to almost everything else. This is the sorcery that got us here, and it is the very same sorcery we will use to get home.

We can’t really reverse engineer the conspiracy, there is no going back the way we came because it would defeat our whole purpose of making ourselves anew. You can’t cut thru the deception with truth because it wouldn’t be recognized as truth by anyone thru the dense fog of the spell we’re under. A prime example being the fear that some great deception is coming. Of course it’s coming, it’s the only way out of the hell we’re in.

If anyone here thinks someone is going to come along and “tell them the truth” about what’s going on here, they’ve got another think coming. It’s not going to happen, ever… because it can’t. If you don’t already know what the truth is, it would be like someone trying to sell you a car when you don’t even know what a car is yet. How do you know you’re getting a car?

What we need is a storyteller, someone who knows our whole story, knows where we are in it, and knows where we want to go with it. We’re on a hell bound train whether anyone here realizes it or not. This locomotive never stops and only picks up speed the closer it approaches its destination. There’s no gettin off the train because it’s headed where we’ve got to go.

The train is the story of our demise and we’re changing the story. This train only goes one way, straight to hell. We’ve tried to stop the train, slow the train, jump off the train, refuse to board the train, and destroy the train… all in epic failure.

The story I want to tell adds a twist at the end… literally. My story goes ballistic, in fact it’s how I got the moniker “Ballistic Mystic”. The hellbound train represents the forces dragging us down, the gravity that leads us to our grave and keeps us in our grave situation. Going ballistic means aggressively employing gravitational forces to rise up out of our grave. I want to speed the train up to terminal velocity hurling us straight thru the gates of hell.

We’re going to use gravity to defeat gravity by creating a supermassive black hole. If the black hole is stable, a stable singularity will form at its center. This singularity serves as a gate to the new universe we have built by night in our sleep while we destroy our old universe by day in our death. On one side it’s a black hole, on the other side a big bang.

Isn’t it interesting that we have CERN on one side of the world with the stated objective of trying to create a black hole, and the National Ignition Project on the other side of the world with the stated objective of creating a big bang? We’ve got to go thru hell to get to heaven.

My theory has been that this world we call Earth is really a massive starship, a universal seed ship if you will harboring in her hold the seeds to entire civilizations. I’m trying to put it all into perspective. The Earth is a whole ship to me, but to the universe it is merely the heart of the ship’s drive and systems or “warp core”. Not technically the power source, but a direct conduit for it.

We don’t really understand what a warp core is, because we don’t fully understand our own heart and all it does for the Body of Humanity. At Area 51 they have a nickname for the most elite team of spoonbenders ever assembled… the Warp Corp. The Earth is the Heart of the Universal Mind, if you want to change the mind of God this is the place to do it because what’s on his mind is what’s in our hearts.

Ever notice whenever they show the warp core on the Enterprise it thumps away with the sound of a human heartbeat? I’m just throwing bits and pieces out there with all this. I want everyone of us to start putting the pieces together to solve the greatest of all mysteries… US.

We have one HELL of a story to tell 🙂